[14 May 2006, 9:48 pm]

Did you get my message -- Jason Mraz.

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Sky in the afternoon :o)

I am already making plans for the June holidays since it is around the corner. Big mistake, I am stressed over the amount of activites I will be attending :-(

First and last week of June is going to be SO hectic. Leaving little time for gatherings and studies, not forgetting June extra lessons are not added to my calendar yet.

Rar, I shall not continue lest more ideas pop up and I will start to wallow myself in unhappiness.

On a lighter note, today is a productive day! Cleared most of homework, now leaving a Literature essay :-)

"So long, loverssss."

t u

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(va) Nessa.
after God's heart.


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Meaningful excerpt - Thursday, Dec. 06, 2012

Thank You for... - Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2012

Excerpt of a cute story that I read years ago - Sunday, Nov. 11, 2012

List of things I find therapeutic in the past month - Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012

Heidi Baker: Raise your Expectations - Friday, Oct. 19, 2012




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