[Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2013, 8:51 pm]

Why I love Narnia

"Suddenly the Witch stepped boldly out towards the Lion. It was coming on, always singing, with a slow, heavy pace. It was only twelve yards away. She raised her arm and flung the iron bar straight at its head.

Nobody, least of all Jadis, could have missed at that range. The bar struck the Lion fair between the eyes. It glanced off and fell with a thud in the grass.


'Remarkable, most remarkable,' muttered Uncle Andrew. 'Even I never dreamt of Magic like this. We're in a world where everything, even a lamp-post, comes to life and grows. Now I wonder what sort of seed a lamp-post grows from?'

'Don't you see?' said Digory. 'This is where the bar fell - the bar she tore off the lamp-post at home. It sank into the ground and now its coming up as a young lamp-post.'"


Death, where is your sting?
Your power is as dead as my sin.
The Cross has taught me to live.
Forever the hope in my heart.

Scandal of Grace -- Hillsong

t u

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(va) Nessa.
after God's heart.


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Let us not become weary... - Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2014

Arise, Shine! - Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2014

Thankful. - Monday, Dec. 23, 2013

To be involved and not just committed... - Saturday, Dec. 21, 2013

There is so much freedom! - Friday, Dec. 13, 2013




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